Please come along for our dinner to celebrate 74 years since Hong Kong was liberated from wartime occupation and oppression in August 1945.
Our recent gatherings have been a lot of fun - and the food is good!
ANZAC Day march 2019 and Biennial General Meeting
ANZAC Day march
Time of reporting for our unit: 11.00 a.m.
Form up point: Chifley Square, junction of Hunter and Phillip Street
Dress: blazer preferred, or lounge suit and tie; ladies: appropriate
Military headgear (berets, etc) with badges may be worn
Medals: full-sized preferred
The March will start from the form up point, along the Elizabeth Street and end at the junction of Liverpool and College Street – a distance of approximately 1.2 km. It WILL NOT be a strenuous march but more like a brisk walk. Further instruction on marching will be given at the point of assembly.
Please note order of the march if you are not attending but would like to watch for us on the television broadcast. Our unit will march in alphabetical order with Contingent 43, British and Commonwealth Forces.
At the conclusion of the March we plan to gather for Yum Cha at the Nine Dragons Restaurant in Dixon St. The cost is approximately $25 per
Biennial General Meeting
The yum cha will be preceded by a Biennial General Meeting in order to elect office bearers for the next 2 years.
Chinese New Year Dinner
恭喜發財 !
This is always a fun, informal dinner where we can all relax and celebrate the new Year of the Pig.
We have been to the Palace Chinese Restaurant on previous occasions - the standard of the Cantonese food is excellent, the menu offers something beyond the normal range of dishes, and the venue itself is pleasant and comfortable.
Transport: Town Hall and St James railway stations are nearby; CBD bus routes nearby; taxi stand nearby
Parking: Palace Chinese Restaurant provides under-ground discount parking voucher $8 (enter from Castlereagh Street
Cost: Select from the menu and pay your share on the night
RSVP: Please reply to by Friday 15th February
ANZAC Day march 2018
Date: Wednesday, 25th of April
Time of reporting for our unit: 11.00 a.m.
Form up point: Junction of Hunter and Phillip Street. Look for the Association banner
Dress: blazer preferred, or lounge suit and tie; ladies: appropriate
Military headgear (berets, etc) with badges may be worn
Medals: full-sized preferred
This March will start from the form up point, along the Elizabeth Street and end at the junction of Liverpool and College Street – a distance of approximately 1.2 km. It WILL NOT be a strenuous march but more like a brisk walk. Further instruction on marching will be given at the point of assembly.
As in previous years, at the conclusion of the March we intend to gather for Yum Cha at the Nine Dragons Restaurant, 39-45 Dixon Street, First Floor, Sydney. The cost is approximately $25 per person.
Enquiries to
The Chairman and Committee of the Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW wishes everyone both in Australia and overseas good health, happiness, and prosperity in the Year of the Dog. Please join us at our annual New Year dinner.
No set cost - pay your share at the restaurant, similar to our ANZAC Day lunch arrangements. Please let us know if you are coming by Wednesday 7th March by email to
Parking: Wilson Parking, 100 Murray Street, Pyrmont (1800727546) - Discount parking offered by Dragon Boat Chinese Restaurant
Liberation Day Dinner 2017
Dragon Boat Chinese Restaurant, Level 2, Shop 445-451, 2-10 Darling Drive, Harbourside Shopping Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney
The Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW is holding its annual Liberation Day Dinner on the first Saturday evening in September. This is a relaxed occasion and we are looking forward to an enjoyable get-together. Members, friends, family, anyone with an interest in Hong Kong are warmly invited to come along.
Liberation Day is celebrated to mark the end of the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong from December, 1941 to August, 1945. On August 30 a Royal Navy fleet entered Victoria Harbour and British control over the colony was restored. This day became “Liberation Day” and was a public holiday until 1997.
This is an informal evening, so just pay your share on the night. Prices for most mains range from $28-$40 (unless you order the live lobster!)
- Bus stop: Maritime Museum (443 from Circular Quay, 389 from eastern suburbs)
- Light rail stop: Pyrmont Bay
- Ferry: Sydney Ferries' Route F4 services Darling Harbour Loop runs approximately every half hour and stops at the Pyrmont Bay Wharf (next to the museum.
- Train: Town Hall is the nearest station, about 15 minute walk.
- For further info call 131 500 or visit
Special Car Park Rate: $16 for 24 hours or $15 evening rate for parking in Harbourside Car Park 100 Murray Street, Pyrmont.
Reserve Forces Day 2017
A Reserve Forces Day activity with the Bullecourt, Messines and the Light Horse at the third battle of Gaza, Beersheba Centenary theme will be held on 2 July 2017. The charge of the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba against Turkish forces was the last cavalry charge in history.
The parade will be held at the War Memorial, Hyde Park South. All participants should be there at 1000 h, step-off will be at 1100 h. This is an activity of the Australian Reserve Forces Day Council.
As usual, a small unit of the Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association will take part in the Parade, followed by an informal lunch.
The Reserve Forces Day Parade is always a colourful, memorable event and well worth getting along to.
Foundation Day Luncheon 2017
All Members, friends, family, anyone with an interest in Hong Kong are warmly invited to the Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW annual foundation Day luncheon on the first Saturday in June.
Villaggio on George is a casual dining venue offering excellent Italian cuisine and we will be seated in a separated area.
Come along to commemorate the foundation of the The Hong Kong Volunteers in 1854 and to enjoy the company of friends and former comrades.
Cost $35 @ head; drinks extra. To book contact
Getting there
Public transport: City of Sydney RSL Club is close to CBD bus routes. Note: buses no longer travel along George St itself. The closes railways stations are Museum and Town Hall, both three city blocks away. The closest light rail station is Capitol, two blocks away. For further info call 131 500 or visit
Parking: There are several parking stations close to the City of Sydney RSL Club. For info visit
BGM and 2016 Liberation Day Dinner
The Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW will hold its annual Liberation Day Dinner in conjunction with the 2016 Biennial General Meeting (postponed from May 2016). This is your chance to get together with friends and comrades and to participate in the business of your Association.
All Association members and friends of Hong Kong are warmly invited to this event. The procedural part of the night will be brief, followed the usual delicious dinner offered by the Hotel.
Cost for the Dinner is $35 @ head. Includes main course, dessert, tea/coffee. Drinks extra.
Parking A Secure parking station is nearby under the Hilton Hotel in Pitt St. A special rate of $20 applies if you prebook (on the Secure parking website) and arrive after 5pm . Or you can obtain a $20 evening voucher from the hotel reception if you arrive after 6pm. NB: Do NOT enter the Wilson carpark that is next door to the Hilton Hotel.
Transport Nearest railway station is Town Hall. Walk up Park Street. Bus routes – these are disrupted in the CBD due to the construction of the light rail in George St, so check Transport NSW.
Please contact The Hon Treasurer for enquiries
Reserve Forces Day 2016
The next event for the Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-Pow Association of NSW is the annual Reserve Forces Day march that will be held on Sunday, 3rd July, 2016. This is always a great day to enjoy the winter sunshine and honour the history and current service of our reserve forces. Our Association marches behind our own colours, as part of the worldwide community of military volunteers.
In 2016 the Reserve Forces Day Council will commemorate the centenary of the Western Front. Further information here
ANZAC Day 2016
On Monday, 25th April. 2016, we will be as usual marching under our own Hong Kong Volunteers Banner.
Form up point: in Hunter Street between Pitt and George Streets at 11am
Dress: blazer preferred, or lounge suit and tie; ladies: appropriate
Military headgear (berets, etc) with badges may be worn
Medals: full-sized preferred
This March will start from the form up point, along the Elizabeth Street and end at the junction of Liverpool and College Street – a distance of approximately 1.2 km. It WILL NOT be a strenuous march but more like a brisk walk. Further instruction on marching will be given at the point of assembly.
Like the previous times, at the conclusion of the March we may wish to gather for Yum Cha at the Nine Dragons Restaurant, 39-45 Dixon Street, First Floor, Sydney. The cost is approximately $25 per person.
The Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW invites members, family, friends, and anyone with an interest in Hong Kong past and present to an informal dinner to
Cost Just pay on the night your share of what your table orders. (We’ve asked the restaurant to suggest dishes that work out at about $35 @ head.)
Drinks Buy your own drinks
Transport Nearest train station is St James in Elizabeth St, top of Market Street.
Multiple bus routes operate within a block or two of the restaurant. Note: changes to bus routes due to construction of the CBD section of the light rail. Check TransportNSW for info
Parking A Secure parking station is located beneath the Restaurant below the Piccadilly Arcade
RSVP Please register your interest at
Liberation Day Luncheon
On the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Hong Kong
This is a special occasion this year as we celebrate the 70 years since the Liberation of Hong Kong and the end of World War II.
It is an opportunity to remember and to enjoy the company of friends and former comrades.
Remember, any of your friends with a Hong Kong connection are also welcome.
Date: Friday, 28 August 2015
Time: 12 noon for 12.30
Venue: Palace Chinese Restaurant
Shop 38 Level 1, Piccadilly Tower, 133 - 145 Castlereagh Street Sydney
Cost: $35 @ person (drinks extra)
Palace Chinese Restaurant enjoys excellent reviews on the internet and is conveniently located.
Registration and payment by Friday 21st August
- Register your booking online by email to
- Payment can be made either by cheque OR by bank transfer
Transport Nearest train station is St James in Elizabeth St, top of Market Street. Multiple bus routes operate within a block or two of the Restaurant.
Parking A Secure parking station is located beneath the Restaurant below the Piccadilly Arcade, at a discounted rate for us of $8 @ hour.
Reserve Forces Day 2015
A Reserve Forces Day activity with the Gallipoli Centenary theme will be held in Sydney on 5 July 2015.
The Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW participates in the annual Reserve Forces Day Parade, marching behind our own banner.
The tri-service formations will form up in College Street and then march into Macquarie Street and halt with Parliament House being the centre of the parade. The reviewing officer will arrive with an escort of NSW Mounted Police and Light Horse.
After the Parade, members, friends, and family will gather for an informal luncheon.
Enquiries please contact us at
Foundation Day Dinner 2015
A dinner to commemorate the Foundation of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps will be held in the Adam Room of the NSW Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, on Friday May 29, 2015.
This is a beautiful venue with easy access from public transport and a carpark close by.
Notices have been sent to Members.
RSVP Friday 22nd May 2015
ANZAC Day March 2015
All Members of the Hong Kong Volunteer & ex-PoW Association of NSW are eligible to march behind our banner on ANZAC Day.
As usual, the March will be followed by a yum cha, to which Members, partners, family and friends of Hong Kong are cordially invited.
Arrangements are as follows:
Date: Saturday, 25th of April Time of reporting for our unit: 11.00 a.m.
Form up point: in Hunter Street between Pitt and George Streets
Dress: Blazer preferred, or lounge suit and tie; ladies: appropriate
Military headgear (berets, etc) with badges may be worn
Medals: full-sized preferred
The March will start from the form up point, proceed past the Cenotaph, and end at the junction of Bathurst and Elizabeth Streets – a distance of approximately 1.2 km.
At the conclusion of the March, Yum Cha will be held at
Nine Dragons Restaurant, 39-45 Dixon Street, First Floor, Sydney.
The cost is approximately $25 per person.
Please reply as soon as possible, whether you are able to participate in the March/Yum Cha.
Reply at
Hong Kong Branch: 160th Anniversary of the Founding of The Volunteers November 2014
November 2-9, 2014
The Hong Kong Branch of the RHKR (V) Association is organising a range of activities in Hong Kong to commemorate this anniversary. Members from Australia and worldwide are encouraged to attend.
The Hong Kong group is very keen to see as many people there as possible - Association Members or anyone with an interest in this occasion. For further information or to express interest, get in touch with Ron Taylor at
Combined BGM/Foundation Day/Liberation Day Dinner
The Hong Kong Volunteer and ex-PoW Association of NSW will celebrate the 160th Anniversary of the Foundation of The Volunteers with a dinner at 6.30pm on Friday August 22, 2014 in the Adam Room of the NSW Masonic Club.
All members and friends are warmly encouraged to attend the occasion at this delightful venue. It will be a combined event in conjunction with our Biennial General Meeting and the marking of Liberation Day.
Cost is $40 @ head.
The Adam Room is on the 4th floor of the NSW Masonic Club, behind the lift. The Club is at 169 Castlereagh Street, near the corner of Park Street.
A Secure parking station is nearby under the Hilton Hotel in Pitt St. After parking, take your parking ticket to the Reception at the NSW Masonic Club where it will be validated at a special rate of $20 (applies only after 6pm). Nearest railaway station is Town Hall. Walk up Park Street.
Reserve Forces Day Parade
The Association will be represented in the Sydney Reserve Forces Day Parade, marching behind our Standard. The salute will be taken by His Excellency the Honourable TF Bathurst AC, Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales.
Mr Henry Jones, RSM, will present the RHKR(V) to His Excellency with a brief history of the Regiment.
ANZAC Day Lunch 2014
At the conclusion of the March we will gather for Yum Cha at the Campbell Restaurant, 1/F, 102-108 Hay Street, Haymarket.
All Members and friends are welcome to join us at the lunch.
The cost is approximately $25 per person.
Members are advised of the following details for the 2014 ANZAC Day March:
Date: Friday, 25th of April
Time of reporting for our unit: 11.15 a.m.
Form up point: in Hunter Street between Pitt and George Streets
Dress: blazer preferred, or lounge suit and tie; ladies: appropriate
Military headgear (berets, etc) with badges may be worn
Medals: full-sized preferred
The March will start from the form up point, past the Cenotaph and end at the junction of Bathurst and Elizabeth Streets.
At the conclusion of the March we will gather for Yum Cha at the Campbell Restaurant, 1/F, 102-108 Hay Street, Haymarket. The cost is approximately $25 per person.
Foundation Day Luncheon
Foundation Day Luncheon on the last Friday in May commemorates the foundation of The Volunteers in 1854
Chinese New Year
In recent years, the Association has organised a popular dinner for Members to come together with their families to celebrate the Lunar New Year. This is usually arranged for a night just after the official New Year period.